Oralia Diacrónica del español (ODE)

Oralia diacrónica del español (ODE) is a corpus of inventories of goods, witnesses testimonies in criminal trials and barber-surgeons reports from XVI to XIX centuries. Currently, it offers documentation from all the Andalusian provinces to contribute to the preparation of an historical ALEA. Also, it includes information from other peninsular areas, in order to have a corpus of control: Cáceres, Badajoz (subcorpus CORTENEX, Corpus de textos notariales extremeños, I. González Sopeña), Madrid and Burgos, among others.

How to cite: Calderón Campos, Miguel and María Teresa García-Godoy (2019-): Oralia Diacrónica del Español (ODE). [date of access]. URL: http://corpora.ugr.es/ode


Project PID2022-136256NB-I00 financed by:

Project C-HUM-038-UGR23 financed by: